5 Step Guide to Improving SEO on Your Website

5 Step Guide To Improving SEO On Your Website by StellarBlue.ai

How to Improve Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is the process of making your website and its pages more visible to organic users in search engines. The higher your website ranks on search engines, the more visible it is – ultimately increasing the traffic to your website.

Search engine optimization is an important part of creating landing pages. Optimized landing pages can help search engines better understand your website and improve the ranking (visibility) of your landing pages. Overall, optimizing your landing pages will increase your organic traffic which tends to bring in the most conversions.

5 Easy Steps To Improving Your SEO

Are you unsure about where to start your Search Engine Optimization? SEO doesn’t need to be complicated. A few tweaks can help improve your search engine optimization in the long run.

Our quick guide breaks down search engine optimization into 5 simple steps that can help improve your search engine rankings.

Step 1. Keyword Analysis

The first step to starting a keyword analysis is not only researching your industry but potential and existing customers. Analyzing the keywords that brought traffic to your site can help understand the behavior of your customers.

Here are some questions to ask while conducting your keyword analysis:

  • How are potential visitors searching for your product or service?
  • How do you rank against your competitors for targeted keywords?
  • How much potential does your website or landing page have for Organic traffic?
  • Can your landing page compete with the current competition?

Researching relevant keywords can be a lengthy process. And getting a strong list of keywords from competitors and industry research takes time. The marketing team at Stellar Blue Technologies are experts in keyword research and can help make this important step of  extremely easy for you. We offer in-depth keyword research and implementation through the use of SEMrush that increases brand visibility, relevant traffic and site conversions.

Step 2. Landing Page Optimization

Following your keyword analysis, the next step is to place these keywords throughout your website. You do not want to just overload keywords onto a page since Google will penalize your page if it is not readable.

You will want to place these keywords in appropriate places but make sure to cover these areas: Headings (H1, H2, etc.), Meta Description, Body Text, Anchor Links, Image Alt Text, and Social Proof (Testimonials).

Step 3. Link Building

One of the most important off-site ranking factors search engines use is Backlinks. Backlinks are the links that link your website to other websites. Backlinks can play a huge role in how your landing page ranks on search engines. You will want to make sure that there are high-quality websites linking to your landing page to improve Search Ranking.

Here are some tips that could help you decide where to start with backlinks:

  • Quality over quantity
  • Use contacts you have
  • Share your content in engaging forums
  • Check the competition’s backlinks
  • Utilize social media to amplify content

There are so many different tactics depending on your content and business. For more detailed link-building ideas you can use this excellent resource.

Step 4. Page Speed and Mobile Friendliness

Page Speed can be very important, especially if users are urgently looking for information. Try to aim for a load time of 3 seconds. Slower loading pages can increase the bounce rate and overall engagement from users. Some things that could be affecting load time are too many plugins, poorly optimized images, or simply bad coding practices.

Mobile devices are continuing to be a popular device to browse the internet, you will want to make sure all pages on your website are responsive to mobile devices. Pages that don’t respond to mobile devices could hurt the user experience and engagement. To ensure the best user experience, test different devices and resolutions for your website.  Find what works best for your website.

Step 5. Analytics and Tracking Results

The final step to optimizing your website is tracking your results and looking at the analytics. If you aren’t measuring the performance of your landing pages it can be hard to tell if they are optimized properly. While you should track what is specific to your website goals, here are some things that we believe at Stellar Blue are important no matter the landing page:

  • Organic Traffic (Users, Sessions, Bounce Rate)
  • Click-through rates
  • Keyword Position

Measuring results can help develop new strategies or further current ones to best fit your business. You may see large improvements from a few tweaks or you may only see a few improvements. Search engine optimization takes time and patience but overall it benefits your website and landing pages by increasing organic traffic and visibility.

Our Final SEO Tip

Although there are many ways to increase your search engine optimization, implementing these 5 steps will help you improve your search engine optimization. But, to do this, you need to focus on the things that really matter, and stick to it!

Remember, Rome was not built overnight; your search engine optimization efforts will not produce results overnight, either. These improvements will take time and effort, but they’re worth it. Don’t give up, and continue on your path to improving your page ranks.

If you are interested in further assistance to improve your search engine optimization or to discover relevant keywords, contact us at Stellar Blue today! We can help with keyword research, backlink audits, technical audits, and more. Our experienced Marketing team is eager to help you accomplish your search engine optimization goals.

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