Why You Shouldn’t Stop SEO Too Soon…

What happens when you stop SEO case study StellarBlue.ai Google search traffic

Hidden Costs: SEO Efforts Cut Short

After working with a client to create a new SEO strategy they decided to take the work in-house and failed to keep up with our outlined strategy and didn’t adjust to regular search algorithm updates.

As a result their traffic began an almost immediate drop down, with 30% less traffic from Google visiting their website in the following months. This was after our project brought in over 10x more traffic from Google Search at the beginning.

Although their website was optimized for the latest practices in SEO, search engines continually update their algorithms, with Google alone making over 500 updates in a year. As Google rolls out these core changes, website adaptations are necessary.

This means that sites that are not following and updating their strategies to align with the latest algorithm updates have a significant risk of being punished and seeing their organic performance deteriorate over time.

Google’s continual updating of their Search algorithms leaves older websites vulnerable to poor performance with search results. Is your website being updated to follow the latest SEO practices? 

If it’s been more than 90 days since your last SEO audit get in touch with one of our Search Experts now.

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